Tuesday 18 November 2014

Final PUMA Shoe Advert

This is my finished project of my advert for the trainer shoe PUMA. All the different layers and images taken, were from my iPad, I did not use any images from online. The background I had painted by using different splats of paint. When I uploaded it I did not think it look as good as it could; so I highlighted different areas and changed the brightness and contrast to make it look more vibrant and happy. I cropped two different images of the shoes out of some images and added them appropriately to the image - I then used the paint tool and painted in some black to give it a shadow effect to make it look like it's on the background. I then cropped out the puma side and made it large - this is here the title will go... After I decided how to make my title I wrote out 'PUMA' in text and then clicking on the puma side layer I cropped around the text. After I had done I added in shadow and took out the text.

If I could improve anything, I would tidy up the title and maybe rotate it/make it more rounded. My favorite part is the background as I think it gives it the type of feel the trainer gives, like a layed back feel; it is layed back because the paint looks quite messy, and it doesn't look like much effort has been put into it. 

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