Firstly I drew the image I wanted to make my stencil - I wanted it to relate to my subject with was to stop the life penalty. So my image is a fist with a Gavel which is dripping off blood. Which should show that the government is killing people.
To make my stencil I used a sheet of plastic and used a black pen to out line my image. Bearing in mind that I needed to cut out certain parts to make the image recognisable. After this is cut out those parts, luckily it was still in one piece.
To test whether it was practical I used a white piece of A3 paper and smudged back paint over it... It worked.
After i knew this I started used powder paint to give a tie-dye affect for the background, I liked it when the colours were light so that the stencil really stood out.
I did this a few times and even printed out some images of blank walls just to see if it looked all right.
After I finished all of that, I moved onto photoshopping my stencil image onto a wall. I did this by using a my blank background image and added that onto the program. i highlighted the black areas by using the quick selection tool. i found an image of google and added the selected areas onto that layer. Luckily it worked and all of my stencil had gone through.
I needed to make it realistic so I edited it and changed the perspective making it look tilted so it gave an appearance that it was against the wall!
I then changed the stencil layers opacity, so it looked although the bricks came through the layer. this made it look realistic.