Sunday, 28 September 2014

Visual Branding


Visual Branding




The Converse Logo is well known as a famous shoe brand, this logo is always printed on the shoes or any product they produce. It may not be as famous if it wasn’t printed on the products because you wouldn’t see it or notice it as much; and not as many people would buy it.

The target audience would be any age from children to adults, as they make mainly any size, but I’m sure they are mostly targeting teenagers as this type of brand is ‘ALL STAR’ which means some one who stands out from the rest, in a group or team, i.e someone whose into sport. It is a simple but affective logo using a large star in the middle, followed by a circle as the boarder in a stitching kind of style. I like the colours as they are not vibrant but they are a good blend in colours. If there is anything I could change is probably the layout and maybe change the shape instead of a circle!


The Costa Coffee logo is well known for it’s small cafĂ©; selling mainly Coffee hence the name. it is a good logo as it shows the date it started which can bring in people as they may like the idea of experience, which means they would expect it to be good! I like the colour of this logo as it is mostly maroon and white but it stands out because it is bold. I think the target a wide range of people maybe from young teenagers up. The picture on the logo is of Coffee beans, which is good because it relates to the whole theme. This brand also prints itself onto all their takeaway cups; a bit like the idea of ‘Starbucks’ if there is anything I would change would probably be the colour, as I think it could be so much more eye catching and the colour seems a little old fashioned.

This is the McDonald’s logo for their fastfood restaurant, this is mostly targeted at younger children as their famous character is Ronald Mcdonald the clown, which children may like the idea of. The colours they use are red and yellow, commonly thought of as the fries and red box. I think these colours are getting old as the interior of the restaurant is becoming more modern, with the natural colours and they’re loosing the theme a bit, so I would improve the colours on the logo. I would also change the clown, as because he has been around since it has started, he is reminding people of horror movies, which would not bring customers in. This logo is seen on the happy meal boxes, which are targeted for a younger audience because of the smaller portion in food. On the box they turn the famous ‘m’ into eyes and add a smiley mouth underneath